Children’s Books

The Imagination Storybook Series

Draw your stories and bring your imagination to creation. The Imagination Storybooks include comic style boxes to sketch your own stories. Best for colored pencils or crayons. Contains 120 pages. Dimensions (8.5 x 11). The full series includes:


Layla’s Kind Heart: Celebrating Our Differences

Despite their differences, Layla Fox teaches the animals that they can work together, play together, and treat each other with kindness and respect. She teaches them how to share and communicate with love, patience and understanding. This is a wonderful book to help children to understand, appreciate, and celebrate diversity.

The Magical Powers of Mythical Creatures: FAIRIES

These book are part of a series of 8 books that feature mythical creatures with mystical powers and energy to create extraordinary things. The characters are supernatural entities, sometimes part human and legendary in their historical period. More books coming soon!